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Akimoto (秋元) is a recurring minor character in the Yakuza series introduced in Yakuza. His girlfriend - and as of Yakuza 3, fiancée - Mizuki appears alongside him in all of his appearances.




Akimoto always wears a pair of glasses. He wears a regular business suit, which in Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami is dark grey with a teal tie, whilst in Yakuza 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2 is light gray with a dark tie. In Yakuza 3, he wears a pale blue shirt with stylized sea turtles printed on it.


Akimoto is a gullible man who is unable to see through Mizuki's lies. He also appears to lack any form of emotional temperament, resorting to extreme acts every time he feels strongly about something.


Between December 2005 and the following December, Akimoto won the lottery, and spent a large portion of his winnings on Mizuki at the hostess club Max Bomber.


Yakuza/Yakuza Kiwami: 2005[]

Main article: Man on a Ledge

Haruka Sawamura sees him standing at the top of a building, threatening to jump off. She urges Kazuma Kiryu to help after she hears Akimoto say "Mizuki," thinking that he may be referring to her mother.

Yakuza 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2: 2006[]

Main article: Rooftop Revenge

Having gotten wind of the fact that she might just be using him for his money, Akimoto forces her up to the rooftop again and threatens her with a knife.

Yakuza 3: 2009[]

Main article: Early Honeymoon[note 2]

Akimoto and Mizuki appear on Morning Glory Beach. Kiryu and Haruka speak to the pair, who say that they are now engaged to be married. Kiryu informs them that the beach is not open to the public, and they are annoyed at him for getting in the way of their fun, before going off to Downtown Ryukyu. Later on, yet another negotiation, this time on a cliff edge overlooking Morning Glory Beach. Eventually, Mizuki once again manages to lie her way out of trouble, saying that she cannot marry him because they are actually siblings. Akimoto is initially confused, before being delighted that they were really family all along.

Main article: They Never Learn

Akimoto learns he has been lied to, and attempts to jump off the Millennium Tower, but Mizuki stops him and they vow to be better.


  1. The given height of 165 cm (5′ 5″) is based on the character model's scaling factor within Yakuza Kiwami 2's data.[1] For Dragon Engine games, this method is believed to be very accurate (±2 cm). However, this is intended as an estimate, not a substitute for an official statistic.
  2. The substory Early Honeymoon is not present in the original western localization of Yakuza 3 on PlayStation 3.


  1. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, “character_model_model_data” (.BIN file), Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2017; Tokyo: SEGAWP, 2018), PlayStation 4/Windows/Xbox One/Amazon Luna.