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Elder Chen (陳老爺, Chén Lǎoyé/陳老人, Chin Rōjin) is a supporting character featured in Yakuza 0. He is one of the three revered elders of Japan's Chinese community and the proprietor of Little Asia.



Chen is elderly, with all white hair including a rather full mustache.


Chen wears a blue Chinese tunic suit with matching pants. He wears black and white shoes and glasses.


With his past against the Dojima Family, Chen holds a strong disdain against all Japanese yakuza. He is, however, able to find compassion with Kazuma Kiryu, as an ally of Little Asia. Chen maintains absolute authority over Kamurocho's Chinese community. Using his power, he always aims to obtain the best results for his people, no matter what their adversaries are.


As the leader of Kamurocho's Chinese mafia, Chen stood as equals against adversaries such as the Tojo Clan and other yakuza groups. At some point prior to 1985, a turf war against the Dojima Family was initiated, and the tides were turned against Chen's mafia, leaving them relegated to a discrete area known as Little Asia. As the proprietor of Little Asia, Chen provided housing to non-Japanese immigrants escaping discrimination. Using the little resources available to him, Chen established a vast information network, able to outsmart the Dojima Family, and keep residents of Little Asia safe.


Yakuza 0: 1988[]

Chen provides Tetsu Tachibana with full use of Little Asia's information network.

Chen is suddenly informed of a Japanese guest's arrival, and is subsequently introduced to Kazuma Kiryu by Jun Oda. With disdain for Japanese yakuza, Chen expresses disapproval of Kiryu's presence, and declines Oda's repeated pleading. Tachibana enters the room and apologizes to Chen for Oda's actions. Before Kiryu leaves, Chen offers a cup of tea, but his offer is declined.

The next day, Tachibana arranges a meeting with Chen to allow Kiryu to reside in Little Asia temporarily. Later that night, Chen rescues a wounded, incapacitated Kiryu, and tends to his wounds. Discovering Tachibana had been captured by the Dojima Family, he sends mafia men in order to investigate and search for Tachibana. He is present when Kiryu wakes up three hours later and explains the recent events, as well as Tachibana's family's past, and information on his current whereabouts. He also admits to considering naming Tachibana as his successor.

Later on, Chen receives information of Tachibana's location, and he relays it to Kiryu via phone call.

Eventually, Chen receives contact from Masaru Sera, and agrees to arrange a meeting with him and Kiryu.

