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Kazuya Amon (亜門 一也, Amon Kazuya) is a recurring secret character in the Yakuza series. He is one of the Amon superbosses in Yakuza 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5, and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.



Kazuya Amon has dirty blond slicked-back hair with long sideburns. He has a tall and muscular build. In Yakuza 2, he has a full length beard, and in Yakuza Kiwami 2, he has a small moustache, though in other entries, he lacks facial hair.


Kazuya wears a black button down shirt, carcoat style overcoat, black slacks, black leather oxfords, and black lensed silver frame aviator sunglasses.


Little is known about Kazuya's personality. He mocks Kiryu for asking who hired him, as hitmen don't usually disclose who hired them to their targets. He appears to take great pride in the reputation of the Amon clan, and is willing to join Majima Construction to protect Kiryu and ensure his death is caused by an Amon.


Kazuya Amon is an apprentice of Jo Amon and the oldest of the Amon brothers.


Yakuza 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2: 2006[]

Kazuya appears in the mission/substory of the same name to challenge Kazuma Kiryu, being the first of the Amons to do so.

In Yakuza Kiwami 2, after all Amons are defeated, he can be recruited for Majima Construction. He is found on E Shichifuku Street behind a vending machine across from the Poppo.

Yakuza 4: 2010[]

Kazuya appears in the final substory of Yakuza 4 to challenge Shun Akiyama. Their battle is the first of four, being succeeded by Jiro Amon and Taiga Saejima's battle.

Yakuza 5: 2012[]

Kazuya Amon appears once again in the final substory of Yakuza 5 to challenge Shun Akiyama. Their battle is the first of four, being succeeded by Jiro and Saejima's battle.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: 2023[]

Fighting Style[]

Among his brothers, Kazuya is the most skilled in melee combat, both armed and unarmed.

Yakuza 2[]

Kazuya wields two massive axes in combat. He uses Majima's moveset and Hiroshi Hayashi's kali stick moveset.

Yakuza 4[]

Kazuya uses Yoshitaka Mine's moveset in this game. He relies on Mine's jab-jab-haymaker combo, quickstep uppercut and low kick combo. He also uses Majima's quickstep animation, with the purple aura included.

Yakuza 5[]

Kazuya uses Akiyama's moveset with Daisaku Minami's sober fighting stance. He also has access to Tatsuo Shinada's sliding kick and Kan Ogita's quickstep command grabs.

Yakuza Kiwami 2[]

Kazuya once again wields two massive axes. He utilizes the default kali stick moveset, and he eventually gains a red colored transparent shield after losing enough health that blocks Heat Actions but eventually disappears after some time. He enters Heat mode after losing enough health, glowing with a red aura and dealing more damage.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth[]

Much like in Yakuza 5, Kazuya's fighting style revolves around kicking, and his attacks are mostly taken from the 'Martial Artist' and 'Action Star' movesets. These include the following:

  • Flying KicksBruce Ebinuma's hook kick-inward crescent kick-spinning hook kick attack from his Rush Combo.
  • Dragonslayer Kick — a jumping right-left-right rising kick.
  • Chain Kicks — an inverted version of Mitsuru Kuroiwa's Deadly Attack without the leaning back animation.
  • Tag Team: Double Dragons — a Tag Team attack with Jo Amon where they both raise their fists and deliver a powerful punch to their target and granting both 1 stack of Attack buff afterwards.
  • Infernal Dance - a skill that gives him 1 stack of Attack buff (25% more damage) for 3 turns or until he receives more Attack buff, which resets the timer and it has a maximum stack of 3 (50% more damage).


  • The Amon brothers' first names have a number theme. Kazuya, who is the oldest and is the first Amon fought, has the kanji "" (one) in his name.


  1. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, Coliseum Stats, Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2017; Tokyo: SEGAWP, 2018), PlayStation 4/Windows/Xbox One/Amazon Luna.