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Pochitaro[note 1] is a character featured in Yakuza, Yakuza 2, and their remakes Kiwami 1 and 2. He is a dog Haruka Sawamura befriends.


Yakuza/ Yakuza Kiwami: 2005[]

Pochitaro is being assaulted by some thugs. Kazuma Kiryu overcomes them and saves the poor dog. Haruka then befriends Pochitaro and takes him back to Serena. Before Serena is attacked by the Nishikiyama Family, he is relocated to West Park.

In the end, Kiryu and Haruka leave Kamurocho and Pochitaro is taken care by the homeless of West Park, particularly Mogusa.

Yakuza 2/ Yakuza Kiwami 2: 2006[]

Main article: Supporting Sunflower

After finding out a child named Hayato is struggling to make friends, Kiryu thinks that it's necessary to bring a dog to Sunflower Orphanage. Then he calls Mogusa to get the dog, and Pochitaro is transferred to the orphanage, which improves Hayato's situation.



  1. In the original western release of Yakuza 2, Pochitaro was renamed to Dogspot