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Judgment Tiger Drop GIF

The Tiger Drop (Judgment)

The Komaki Tiger Drop (古牧流 虎落とし, Komaki-ryū Tora-Otoshi) or simply Tiger Drop (虎落とし, Tora-Otoshi) (known as the Komaki School Counter Attack in the PlayStation 2 games), is one of the 3 Ultimate Komaki Techniques, the other two being the Komaki Knockback and the Komaki Parry. It is commonly associated with students of the Komaki Martial Arts school.

It is primarily associated with Kazuma Kiryu and is considered one of his signature techniques.


Deliver a strong blow simultaneous with the enemy's attack. The ability to see through the assault is highly important

— Description of the Komaki Tiger Drop in Yakuza Kiwami

The Komaki Tiger Drop is the strongest technique (in terms of raw power) the students of the Komaki school can learn. It is a crouching right cross strike to the midsection that is executed when the enemy attacks. The strength of the attack is such that the weakest enemies get knocked back tremendously as a result, as well as receiving huge damage. Some bosses are not affected by the knockback of the technique, especially once they are in Heat mode.

A very important property of the Tiger Drop is that it provides its user with invincibility frames (a feature absent in Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4), so it doubles as an excellent offensive and defensive tool. In Yakuza Kiwami, Tiger Drop can work against bullets, though the shooter will not be damaged unless Kazuma Kiryu is close enough.

As explained before, the Komaki Tiger Drop is a move exclusive to members of the Komaki school. However, for unexplained reasons, Akira Yamaoka in Yakuza Kiwami 2 has been shown to be able to execute the move.

Unlocking and Usage[]


The Komaki Tiger Drop appeared first in the original Yakuza and is taught by Sotaro Komaki on his sixth lesson. It requires 8 points in Shin, Gi and Tai. Although the game explains that the player has to press Triangle to execute it, it has to be executed while in fighting stance (R1), in a similar manner to later games.

Yakuza 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2[]

In both the original Yakuza 2 and Yakuza Kiwami 2, Kiryu can remember the Tiger Drop in the Acupuncture Clinic in Shinseicho (Y2)/Sotenbori (YK2), after completing chapter 12. In the original Yakuza 2, Kiryu also needs Skill at 9.

Akira Yamaoka and Sotaro Komaki will have the Tiger Drop as part of their moveset when fought against.

Ryu Ga Gotuku Kenzan![]

Komaki Sozaemon used Tiger Drop against his opponent in training and ultimate match, but Miyamoto Musashi/Kiryu Kazumanosuke couldn't learn Tiger Drop. Instead, he can learn a skill called 二刀瞬斬(double sword quick stab), which acts like Tiger Drop.

Yakuza 3[]

In Yakuza 3, Kiryu remembers the Tiger Drop after fighting one of Komaki's former pupils in Kamurocho, specifically the one located at Smile Burger. The move does not grant invincibility frames.

Yakuza 4[]

Tiger Drop 4

The Tiger Drop is unique in Yakuza 4 as it is not learned through training with Komaki. Instead, Kiryu can unlock this skill with soul orbs earned through leveling up, though he must be at level 10 and have already unlocked the Komaki Knockback prior. As in Yakuza 3, the move does not grant invincibility frames.

In Saejima's boss fight against Kiryu in Part 2, he is able to use the Tiger Drop when he enters Red Heat mode, and can use it to hit targets attacking his back, something that is not possible for the player. Kiryu also uses Tiger Drop against the player in the "Legendary Blue Dragon" boss fight in IF7-R.

Yakuza 5[]

Tiger Drop 5

In Yakuza 5, Kiryu relearns Tiger Drop through Sosuke Komaki as his fourth lesson. In the Finale, Kiryu can also learn MAX Tiger Drop, which lengthens the window of activation of the technique. Sotaro and Sosuke Komaki can also use all three Ultimate Komaki techniques during the breakthrough fights for the male characters.

Saejima, in his fifth training session against Tendo, can learn "Tiger Dragon Drop", a similarly named move that functions practically the same, but can stun. Instead of a massive punch to the gut, the move is a strong headbutt that targets the opponent's chest. Saejima's version even stun locks the enemy for a while, giving it even more advantage since the enemy is more vulnerable.

Leo Ayanokoji uses an unnamed attack with the same animation and function as the Tiger Drop when he has a tonfa equipped. Shinada cannot learn this move.

Jo Amon is able to use all three Ultimate Komaki techniques in his fight against Kiryu.

Ryu Ga Gotoku Ishin!/Like a Dragon: Ishin![]

Sakamoto Ryoma can learn Tiger Drop from Komaki Munemitsu. In the final training, Komaki will also use Tiger Drop against Ryoma. For some reason, Remake Tiger Drop can no longer blow enemies away like the original. Ryoma's swordsman style has a skill called 閃の太刀(Lightning's Glory), which works the same way as Tiger Drop, Ryoma must complete Ginryu's training to get it. Although the original didn't have it, the Gunman-style remake had a skill called Sudden Strike.

Yakuza 0[]

Thug Cunning Harsh Lesson

Thug Cunning: Harsh Lesson

Kiryu cannot use the Tiger Drop in Yakuza 0. However, Sotaro Komaki uses this technique and attempts to teach it to Goro Majima during one of their spars. In the end, Majima does not learn the technique, and instead manages to create a technique of his own, "Harsh Lesson".

Kiryu, for his Brawler style, can learn a move called Counter Hook that has a similar animation and functions exactly the same, but has the property of dealing less damage the more Heat Kiryu has.

In his final battle against Daisaku Kuze, Kiryu attacks him with a punch which has the same movement as the Tiger Drop, but it does not have the effect it normally would, as Kiryu had not been taught the proper method by Komaki.

For unexplained reasons, Jo Amon is able to use the Tiger Drop in his fight against Majima.

Yakuza Kiwami[]

Tiger Drop 極

In Yakuza Kiwami, the Tiger Drop is also present, but since the level up system is different, the way of obtaining it has changed. This time, Kiryu has to obtain the Image of the Tiger, as well as completing previous trainings. After defeating Raizo Shiba in combat, Kiryu will learn the technique.

Alternatively, Kiryu can learn the move Lightning Fist for his Brawler style, which is located on the outer ring. It's a counterattack that deals decent damage and shocks enemies (some bosses are immune to this effect, however). However, it does not knock back enemies, and it does not have invincibility frames like the Tiger Drop.

Yakuza 6[]

Tiger Drop 6

The Tiger Drop remains functionally unchanged in Yakuza 6, although any reference to Komaki is removed from the name as neither the Komaki school nor any of its members appear in this game. It is also the only Komaki style technique Kiryu can use here.

The skill can be purchased with experience points once Kiryu's attack stat is at 180, and an upgrade that extends the opening for the move can be purchased once the attack stat is upgraded to 200.

Tiger Drop Judgment


Takayuki Yagami is able to learn Tiger Drop in Judgment by scanning a QR code in the Champion District with his drone. It functions as it does in the Yakuza entries and its description mentions a legendary yakuza. Its animation is altered slightly; Yagami's Tiger Drop is a palm strike as opposed to Kiryu's punch.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon[]

Tiger Drop is never learned nor mentioned in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, however, Kiryu occasionally uses a restrained version of this technique while testing Ichiban Kasuga and his party if they use a close-range attack on him and he is using Dragon of Dojima Style. The damage is around the same as his regular attacks, Kiryu will still take damage while executing the counter, and the special effects normally accompanying it are neither seen nor heard, yet it will still knock back the victim quite a distance.

Kiryu also uses it during his Poundmates summon by Ichiban, along with his trademark Yakuza box art kick and Dragon King Essence.

Lost Judgment[]

Yagami no longer has access to Tiger Drop in Lost Judgment, but he instead will gain access to a similar Tiger style technique named Dragon's Crushing Fist. Once used, it can repel enemies and put them in a state of pain.

In addition, his Crane style now has a skill called True Crane Beast Slayer for similar counterattacks. The difference is that the True Crane Beast Slayer can fly enemies, which is useful for players who want to do aerial combos.

Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name[]

LADG Tiger Drop Menu

Kiryu can acquire the Tiger Drop by spending 4,500 Akame Points and ¥3,000,000 on a manual titled "To Kill a Tiger".

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth[]

Kiryu is able to perform the Komaki Tiger Drop through his skill "Essence of the Komaki Pupil", which is included in his unique Dragon of Dojima job. In it, Kiryu performs some open-handed martial arts palm strikes, enraging the enemy into attacking him, before countering with his signature Komaki Tiger Drop. The move is a guaranteed critical hit if the action prompt is successfully pressed, and notably marks the first time chronologically since Yakuza 5 where the move has been associated with Sotaro Komaki.

While sparring with Kiryu, Sotaro Komaki himself can use the move through the use of a counter stance, and uses it in his Poundmates summon. As Jo Amon copies Komaki's moveset, he is able to use it as well.

Daigo Dojima can also use an untrained version of the move against Kiryu and his party through the use of a counter stance, which he presumably learned from his knowledge of having fought against and alongside Kiryu in the past.


Yakuza Kiwami[]

Yakuza 6[]

Yakuza Kiwami 2[]


Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name[]
